Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Eco Friendly Fashion

Green.  The New Black.
How to be both fashion forward and eco friendly.

It seems like you can’t go a day without hearing something about the state of the world’s environment anymore.  If you’re like most people walking the globe you probably feel a little helpless and are left wondering what you can really change to decrease your carbon footprint.  One simple solution starts with a glance at your own closest.

Here are five simple ways to get more “green” out of your wardrobe:

Host a clothing swap party
Many people have clothes in their closets that they wore once and haven’t seen since.  These items shouldn’t be sentenced to an early death at the back of your wardrobe.  Give clothes a second chance at life on someone else’s back.  Host an event where friends bring unwanted garments and accessories to a party at your house.  Throw in some drinks and snacks and let the trading begin.  This is a great alternative if you don’t want to have a yard sale or don’t care about making money off your items. The best part is that you’re not just giving your things away; you’re gaining a whole new set of outfits for yourself!

BYOB:  Bring your own bag
Many stores have already started the trend themselves, offering reusable bags for sale or simply not supplying store bags at the check out to begin with.  Take this a step further and make it a priority to always say, “no thank you” when a store clerk starts to bag your items.  Bring a few reusable bags with you when doing your weekly shopping or put small purchases in your purse or backpack instead of accepting plastic bags.  If you do still seem to accumulate carrier bags, give them a second life as a lunch sack to the beach or a bin liner before finally throwing them out.

Recycle your old outfits

When talking about fashion, many people think that staying with the latest trends means always needing to buy new clothes.  The challenge of being fashion forward in the real world with a budget and time constraints is working with what you already have.  By purchasing quality, classic items your clothes will be able to take on a new look with the quick switch of a belt or necklace.  Succumbing to minute-long trends in small doses with accessories will not only save you money but shrink the pile of unwanted clothes to get rid of next season.  

Get your retail therapy elsewhere

Instead of buying a new outfit for each upcoming weekend, treat yourself to something else or set goals for saving the money you usually spend on trends.  Take care of your body and hit the gym or get a massage.  Go for coffee with a friend or schedule a Skype date to catch up with relatives you’ve lost touch with.  By feeling fulfilled in other areas of your life, you’re less likely to make impulsive purchases in an attempt to fill a void.  Instead of buying just to have something new, find a piece that you actually love and know you will get real longevity from. 

Buy 2nd hand
Whether scouring the racks at a used clothing store on the island or hitting the second hand sections of the night markets, avoiding the urge to buy brand new garments does more good than you think.  By avoiding newly manufactured fashion, you’ll not only be saving money, you’re also helping to recycle and even doing your part to resist the harsh ethical realities that go along with mass-produced clothing.  There are often hidden treasures to be found in thrift stores and resale sections of markets that you just can’t find on the rack in a department store. 

There are numerable benefits to going green when it comes to fashion.  Not only will you feel better about helping Mother Nature, you’ll get more out of your wardrobe, refine a more individual sense of style and save money in the process.  

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